Kamis, 19 April 2018

My Favorite Mobile App

Cinema 21 App on Smartphone

For you who like watching movies, in addition to blitzmegaplex application, there is one more application that you need to try. The 21 Cineplex app is the official app of the cinema network 21. Available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. 21 Cineplex is the largest cinema group network in Indonesia which includes Cinema XX1, The Premier, IMAX and Cinema 21.

Because I use Android Phone, then I review here is 21 Cineplex app for Android Phone. The look and features available are very different from other platforms.

If on this weekend you want to watch with friends, girlfriend or family and do not know what movie is running in the cinema nearest to your location, there is no harm you download and install first 21 Cineplex application on your Smartphone Phone.

The 21 Cineplex app has several features, its main feature is that you can choose the city settings you choose to see some theaters in the city you choose. Try first you choose Jakarta, after you choose Jakarta City, it will perform some Cineplex 21 movie theater such as One Bell Park, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village, Pondok Indah 1, Plaza Indonesia, Plaza Senayan and others.

After showing the location of the cinema town 21 Cineplex, you just choose one of the location of the cinema that you will visit, for example you choose Kemang Village, after you choose the location of the cinema, the second feature is to show any movie that is running in Kemang Village along with hours.

The third feature is, if you have a mobile ticketing (M-Tix), you can login directly to the application by entering the phone number and pin code from M-Tix you use, the function of this feature is to order and buy tickets directly from 21 Cineplex app on SmartPhone. Usually cinema that can make reservations and purchase tickets online marked with the symbol (M).

The fourth feature is that you can see and know the movie that will be aired on 21 Cineplex, of course there are many other features that are in the application 21 Cineplex for SmartPhone. For more details please open the application for those already installed on your smartphone.

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